Today I shop with
Sue Yii,Caryn,Jean,Kelvin and Meng Kit~
First time shop with my college friend..
so excited^^
We went there by Kelvin's car~
[Thx you guy]
After reached there,
we took lunch on Kim Gary~
I met Phang there~
Because he worked there..
After took lunch,
we started to shop~~~!
We went to a shop
I,Caryn and Sue Yii bought the same dress,
but different colour~
we decided wear it on next Tuesday together~
Then we walked here and there
Because caryn never shop at Sungai Wang
so she was surprise
can got a lot of cheap and nice stuff here~
' First time I can used RM 100 quite long '
she said..==''
I had bought a pants,dress and shirt today~
I had used only RM89 to got it~
Haven reached RM100 yet^^
We went backed by train about 5pm.
Actually we wanted take some puri-puri..
but we did not had enough time..
and we forgot to take photo...==''
At night,
my dad brought us went to Hulu Langat
look out point there took dinner.
Because he never went there before.
Then we took dinner on Gasoline.
About 9.45pm,
we went back home.
I was sick started from yesterday night..
High fever..
and felt a bit cold..
went to my mum room nd told her..
She said I was get fever and asked me
went to the down stage for took a panodal.
The next day morning,I mean this morning
my fever gone away~
but when it was came to 10 something,
my mum suddenly called me by phone
I felt like a heavy thing put on my head..
Then my um took me saw a doctor.
The doctor checked my temperature~
It was 39.2 *C...
really a high fever..
Doctor said need to care it and observe it.
If two days later still had a fever,
may be it will be denggue...
I don't want!!!!
Then I went home and ate the medicine,
after that went to my bedroom and slept..
Hope my sickness will gone away soon..
High fever..
and felt a bit cold..
went to my mum room nd told her..
She said I was get fever and asked me
went to the down stage for took a panodal.
The next day morning,I mean this morning
my fever gone away~
but when it was came to 10 something,
my mum suddenly called me by phone
I felt like a heavy thing put on my head..
Then my um took me saw a doctor.
The doctor checked my temperature~
It was 39.2 *C...
really a high fever..
Doctor said need to care it and observe it.
If two days later still had a fever,
may be it will be denggue...
I don't want!!!!
Then I went home and ate the medicine,
after that went to my bedroom and slept..
Hope my sickness will gone away soon..
Design Theory
We were did this assignment~
First we choose picture tha we liked,
and let lecture approve it~
Then we started it~
Today is Saturday~
today was Saturday..
I,my mum and my sister
went to Tesco Extra
for bought some Dynamo,
because it was promotion.
When we reached there,
we went to Pak Hailam Kopitiam for breakfast.
Honestly to say,
it was not nice..
So,we would not went there again..
Then,we went to tesco market
to get the Dynamo.
'hao ye yi ding you yan zang'[cantonese]
It was no stock..
all the Dynamo gone..
let other people bought back home aready..
we just walked around there,
bought some junk food and maggi mee[Our family favour..=='']..
Then,we walked it to a shop~
a gift shop~
something like Loving Cabin,
but it was not~
If find not mistaken,
it called Memory Gift..[I think]
After that,we went to Taman Connaught
for waited an aunt
who wanted to bring us to go o the new Amway Department
on Petaling jaya~
near my college~haha..
We bought some stuff and helped relative bought some stuff,
then I saw a watch~~~
A Bum watch~~~
Looked nice~~~
My mum bought it for me finally~~
She bought her own watch there also~
But quite cheap~
My one only RM99
nd my mum one only RM199..
of course it was not the original price..
because of my mum already joined the member there,
therefore we go the discount~
My mum said will go Times Square later~
My mum turned good mood today~~
So I needed to take bath now~
Will update the new post about tonight tomorrow~
My Yari Pink♥
I love this phone~
Get it on wednesday night~
three years ago never changed a new phone..
I can got a new phone^^
My mum bought it to me^^
I thought that
may be because of my SPm result is not 'bad'..
or may be..
because of my old phone speaker 'sot sot' aready~
But anyway,
I got a new one now~
At last,
Thank you Mummy~~~

At first,we just saw it
and felt they were so cute~
Then,we asked my mum to see it~
May be she saw it cute also..
So,she said she bought it to us~~
We so surprise and happy^^
Then,we brought the tw hamsters went back home~
They were one female and one male~
Male called Caca [可可]
and Female called II [爱爱] ~
So,they were cute [可爱] !!!^^

Went to Pavilion today~
My mum decided it suddenly~
Because she never went there before.
This is the first time~
Actually just went there for dinner..==
summore just ate on food court..==
But the food quite nice~
can go and try it~
Then after dinner,
we just walked around
and took some photo there~
My mum decided it suddenly~
Because she never went there before.
This is the first time~
Actually just went there for dinner..==
summore just ate on food court..==
But the food quite nice~
can go and try it~
Then after dinner,
we just walked around
and took some photo there~
[photo on camera haven copy to my computer yet]
Grandmother Birthday
We all celebrated with her on 'Mei Wei Le Yuan Fan Dian'
All the food were delicious~~^^
So nice~~
Loved this photo without reason~~XD
Hihi everyone~ =)
Long time did not update my blog aready~
quite busy on these few days~
Because of a lot of homework..==
very tired..
everyday needed to sketch drawing..
Also busy on the 3D class's project.
We were doing a model/character.
We were using paper clay to make it.
It was very fun^^
But hard to made it to..
Will show it on next post ya~ (^o^)
Long time did not update my blog aready~
quite busy on these few days~
Because of a lot of homework..==
very tired..
everyday needed to sketch drawing..
Also busy on the 3D class's project.
We were doing a model/character.
We were using paper clay to make it.
It was very fun^^
But hard to made it to..
Will show it on next post ya~ (^o^)
Sweep grave
Today was the day
the whole Wong's family went to sweep grave.
We went to two place,
one was grandfather'fathe and mother.
another one was grandfather,grandmother and
the big uncle[my dad's first brother]
My dad was caming back on 7am morning..==
so..he just slept about one hour..
then,he must holded himself in
woke up style..
so suffer...
We went back about at 12pm afternoon.
While we went back home,
my dad aready slept in the car..==
I knew him..
too tired aready..
one more important things!!
Don't went to Pantai Indah Hospital
if you want to see the bone's doctor.
Their X-ray just blur only..[I tried it..]
,you can go everywhere bone's doctor,
but not here.
I am not say that he was not intelligent or clever,
but he was not enough experience
that what my dad said..
Because he was made a wrong decision or estimation
to my dad..
Made my dad needed to find another doctor.
And the second doctor said the different thing..
The first doctor made my dad waste his time
and pain about two months...
Just a suggestion here..
the whole Wong's family went to sweep grave.
We went to two place,
one was grandfather'fathe and mother.
another one was grandfather,grandmother and
the big uncle[my dad's first brother]
My dad was caming back on 7am morning..==
so..he just slept about one hour..
then,he must holded himself in
woke up style..
so suffer...
We went back about at 12pm afternoon.
While we went back home,
my dad aready slept in the car..==
I knew him..
too tired aready..
one more important things!!
Don't went to Pantai Indah Hospital
if you want to see the bone's doctor.
Their X-ray just blur only..[I tried it..]
,you can go everywhere bone's doctor,
but not here.
I am not say that he was not intelligent or clever,
but he was not enough experience
that what my dad said..
Because he was made a wrong decision or estimation
to my dad..
Made my dad needed to find another doctor.
And the second doctor said the different thing..
The first doctor made my dad waste his time
and pain about two months...
Just a suggestion here..
Bad News
I wanted to tell a bad news here.
Don't think I am telling a joke here.
I am not!!
And don't think is April Fool now.
I am really serious to tell this bad news.
May be you all will feel shock..
Remember my hand was broken
on last year October?
My hand had cover a gypsum
for a month?
Umtil I finished my SPM
the gypsum was dismantle from my hand,
But my hand can not be straighten and bend until now,
The thing I wanted to tell here was
I saw again doctor on 1-4-2010.
Ya,the day of April Fool..
Really a fool to me..
A big fool!!
I took again X-ray,
the X-ray shown that
my bone had a lot of spur..
So,it jam me straight and bend well..
If I wanted to recover,
I need to do operation..
May be you will think "it is actually easy what.."
I can tell you,
It is not EASY for me!!!
You know?
I am a girl who love beauty much~
Beauty is the most important thing to me..
After I do operation,
my hand will have two new scar..
Two!!is two!!!
You can understand me?
My hand will become more ugly..
I can not accept it..
But my dear wanted me recover fast..
My dad did not wanted me had those scar..
My mum did not said anything..
My siblings just worried when I need to do operation..
I not dare to tell my friends...
So,I am telling here now..
It is really a big challenge to me..
What can I do??
I will cry when I'm alone,nothing can do
and I thought about this problem..
But I still can control my own emotion..
I am okay now~ =)
Don't think I am telling a joke here.
I am not!!
And don't think is April Fool now.
I am really serious to tell this bad news.
May be you all will feel shock..
Remember my hand was broken
on last year October?
My hand had cover a gypsum
for a month?
Umtil I finished my SPM
the gypsum was dismantle from my hand,
But my hand can not be straighten and bend until now,
The thing I wanted to tell here was
I saw again doctor on 1-4-2010.
Ya,the day of April Fool..
Really a fool to me..
A big fool!!
I took again X-ray,
the X-ray shown that
my bone had a lot of spur..
So,it jam me straight and bend well..
If I wanted to recover,
I need to do operation..
May be you will think "it is actually easy what.."
I can tell you,
It is not EASY for me!!!
You know?
I am a girl who love beauty much~
Beauty is the most important thing to me..
After I do operation,
my hand will have two new scar..
Two!!is two!!!
You can understand me?
My hand will become more ugly..
I can not accept it..
But my dear wanted me recover fast..
My dad did not wanted me had those scar..
My mum did not said anything..
My siblings just worried when I need to do operation..
I not dare to tell my friends...
So,I am telling here now..
It is really a big challenge to me..
What can I do??
I will cry when I'm alone,nothing can do
and I thought about this problem..
But I still can control my own emotion..
I am okay now~ =)
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