Hi everyone~!
I kept busy on my last project on this couple days..
But I will hand in tomorrow,can say as later..==
Then,I will get my holiday =)
Actually I had finished my work..But lecturer said my marked won't be high,
just pass only..>.<
So,he gave me a chance to upgrade it~
I do!!
I will show my model,the last project on next post =]
Back to topic~
I would like to introduce you guys some cosmetic.
Cheap,economic and good quality~
But I forgot to show my foundation..lolz
I just roughly talk about it kay...
Lets start it!!

These all just one of the part in my make up-bag..hehe
I will just introduce some useful thingy here~!

I will draw my eyeliner at first because I take long time on it..
Liquid eyeliner - from Cosway
Gel Eyeliner - from Maybelline
Pencil Eyeliner - from Elianto
The pencil eyeliner I left on my boy friend's car...Therefore can't shown it here..>.<

Second step is using the white in colour eyeliner to draw at eye-head.
It can help your eyes look more bigger and nicer.
Left pencil - from Majolica Majorca
Right pencil - from Bloop

Third step is the most important step!
It can totally change your eyes's size!
I will use a transparent mascara to do a base first.
My sis teach me and I forgot the reason to do it first already..sorry..But it can help look nice too! =]
Transparent Mascara - from Ianti
**NEW** Brown Mascara - from Majolica Majorca

I use it seldom but this brand's fake lashes look super natural after you wear it!
Fake lashes - from Watson Kiss Me 07

Next Step, I will put a little bit eye shadow.
Normally I will just using beige,orange or brown.
The colour look nature so I use it!
Eye Shadow - from Cosway Colour Sense

I am learning how to draw my eyes brown nowadays ~
It is not hard for me because just use it for touch up..hahaha
Still learning it =]
Top Eyes-brown pencil - from Elianto
Bottom Eyes-brown stick - from Majolica Marjoca

Then,another step is turn to blusher~
It can let you get a good looking~
And I don't know why I love to use a bit orange and a bit pink's blusher.
Feel nicer~~ =]
Top Blusher - from Maybelline
Bottom Blusher - from Elianto

Next step,almost come to the last,I will do a highlight on my nose
because my nose not high enough.. =[
Have to highlight and get a nicer nose looking..>.<
White colour highlighter/eye shadow - from Amway Ester Lauder

A best concealer is a must!!!
Have to cover my dark circle...T.T
Concealer - from Maybelline

The last second step
Have to use a loose powder to fix the make up~
It helps a lot~!
Loose Powder - from Elianto

Lastly,a lipstick and lip-gloss are the must too!
Lipstick - from Anna Sui
Lip-gloss no.1 - from Nature Beauty Shop
Lip-gloss no.2 - from Maybelline
Lip-gloss no.3 - from Lip Ice
Conclusion,you can see a lot of word,
Elianto Maybelline,Majolica Majorca,Cosway.
Even if these words are not a branded name,
but their products are nice to use and super duper useful~
All of them the price between RM7-RM55 each.
Not more than RM54.90 nie~!
Consider cheap for me already because some of the branded's product will always more than RM50..>.<
But I love the brand that I using now =]
Just for sharing~