We went to watch this movie on the 1st day of Chinese New Year.
Half of the Wong family attended themselves on that night =)
We had this activity or outing since last year.
Damn nice!!
Yoke Uncle and family,Loong Uncle and family,Fong Aunt and 2 of her children
and also my family.
Last year only got 3 family watched the movie '72 Tenants of Prosperity'
but this year we had made an improvement.
This year had 4 family watching the movie 'I love Hong Kong' at the same time.
We enjoyed it very much.
The movie was so funny.
We can't stop laughing until the end of the movie.
You guys can go watch it now~!
Because I had been check it out for you.
This movie had a story line and also funny and not boring and a bit bit touching.
Only a bit bit bit ya~~!! hehe
Hope we can watch movie together again on the next CNY =)
Outfit of the night~
Look like pajamas ~haha
My lovely,pretty,adorable puppy ♥
I ♥ U my dear Cici
Mama love you so much much~!
muack ♥
Happy Chinese New Year to everyone =)
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