at my home 2day~
Louis,Pei Er n Man
came 2 my house for study~
of coz our teacher was Sook Pei..
Actually,we juz talk at there..
we started to talk bou
the cheap person!!
After tat,
we really started 2 study our account
Ah jie called Sook Pei
n wan Sook Pei to accompany her for hi-tea
but we muz finished our extra class 1st
so,ah jie came 2 my home n waited us~
After finished the class,
we sent Louis n Pei Er backed home
then,we 3 go to Pandan Indah
for drink tea [yam cha]..
After those funny thg happened..
n we finished our food
ah jie sent us backed home..
I wan 2 thx ah jie~^^
coz she treated me
drank tea n ate ice-cream~
of coz I nid 2 thx Sook Pei oso~
coz she used her time 2 teached us account~:P
2 Yes?:
haha^^ no need to thanks me la...I helpu all i feelhappy too la..hope i can help u all pass in account..actually account is a very funny things...when u all love it,sure u all can pass...hehe^^ gambateh ba
okok~we will try our best de^^