Hey Guys! Still remember what I posted on yesterday?
I'm going to post about it the hold progress now.

Today outfit~
Erm..I a bit regret..Because I felt that my make up too thick already..
And I shouldn't clip up my hair..It makes my face look chubby..
You will know why later in a photo.

My dear went there with me and support me ♥
Love you so much ya~ muack ♥
After waited for about 1 and a half hour,finally my turned.
My number is only 31,but had to wait about 2 hours..
Estimated about 5 mins one person.
Took super long time...lol
Is okay..my time now!

I was getting in semi-final =]
They told me they need to took a photo and posted it on facebook.
And people or friends had to got in their page and click 'Like' for us.
May be they want to test our popularity..
I took you guys already..
My make up was too thick and my face was super duper hyper extreamly chubby..
Is not normal chubby!!!!
I hate baby face =[
When I still in primary school..my face looked slimmer..
I got fat...a lot of fat.....super sad....
Haiz...Time to diet!!
My face looked chubby,actually one of the reason was about my hair..
I shouldn't clip it up...=[
I tried it at home just now,let down my hair,
It looked nicer than clip it up..
But I just felt like clip it up before I left home this afternoon..

Let see again!
At house,will use flash and high angle to capture photo~
My face looked slimmer =]
And let down my hair too.
Looked much more better!
I'm not lie-ing!!
Can help you look nice in photo=]
Do try it yourself !

Congratulations to me!
I got in semi-final~!
Have to prepare for it now =]

Have to get prepare start now!
Bye ~