After tuition,
I called my dear
He asked me tat
I got tell ppl bou we broke d..
It surprised me..
I never ever said bou tis..
bou had a person told his brother
I said it 2 him..==
thn his friend told him bou it..
I really really angry!!
let other ppl to defame me..
I hate ppl defame me!!
If I noe someone did tis again,
Skul open again~
many student din go 2 skul..
coz we r a hardworking student
we got go 2 skul^^
our skul teacher
suggest us to wear mask
to come to study
Many teachers n students r wearing the mask
of coz include me~
but it make me felt hot n sweat..
No choice
I donwan any disease near me..
We all juz talk in the class
but we still doing our work
tat given by teacher..
[ not all subject ]
After skul,
I go 2 find my beloved Didi,Heng
2 take my pendrive
n mousepad
which my dear dear but for me~
thanks so much o^^
No tuition class 2day
Our love increase d..
I noe more bou u clearly d..
Can noe ur feeling d..
Noe how 2 do d..
Noe how important of me for u d..
Love u 4ever dear~
without any change in my whole life


Saga Hill Again~~
But tis time was juz friends onli
My dear dear got go oso^^
to accompany me~
very happy nie^^
We got 11 ppl~
we used bou 45 minutes to 1 hour
arrived the summit
thn we rest at there bou 1 hour
thn we went down..
we saw Kam Seng..
my dear said noe him
when primary skul..
Surprise me leh~
After tat,
we went 2 'Wang Bu Liao' took our lunch
thn went back our own home..
I nid 2 said sorry 2 ah jie..
I felt I made her disapointed
n felt me a bit trouble de
n felt me a bit trouble de
sorry bou ur car oso..
made ur car get hurt..
made u felt very painful..
made u felt very painful..
I noe y de..
juz kip quiet n felt very paiseh..
very very sorry o..
I'm not purposely de..
I noe u all felt a bit 'beh song' d..
a bit sienzz..
we did not like 2 go those banquest de..
but my dad paid d~
so, we muz go there..
some of the ppl tat face very thick
got came oso
wan 2 c a pig eating
in front of us d~
tis time de banquest finished early..
bou 10.30,
we went back home d~
Everyday i nid 2 face
the ppl I don't like..
everyday I nid 2 act..
everyday I nid 2 lie..
everyday I nid feel wan 2 cry..
Who noe I'm suffering now..
I hate stay at home
I hate tis home..
If I hav a chance,
I will leave here..

1st time I hang out wit my best friends~^^
We went 2 Momo cafe yam cha..
Oh yeah~^^
1st time yer~
Actually we juz discuss bou our
Prom Night~
many thgs 2 discuss..
but we comfirm our theme adi~
Theme is Angel & Demon
a bit speacial..
we accepted it oso^^
We cant do anythg..
juz stay at home
do wat we wan 2 do...
a bit sienzz lo~~
But hope tat student can become healthy
All of my skul friends
We were hiking Saga Hill again~
We used about 7 hours
2 finish our hiking
But we felt happy 2^^
so nice yer~
I thought tat my mum would buy thgs to me de..
when I reached home,
my mum said she had bought a watch 2 me~
so good~
Guess watch~
I love tat watch^^
but I will not wear it if I din go 2
speacial place..hehe
The total of my mum bought the watch is 4..
so many~haha [coz sale]
coz' 1 for my dad
2 for my mum herself~
of coz include mine 1~^^
happy happy^^
At night,
we had a meeting..
Pei Xi,Sook Pei,Kar Yan n me
attended tis meeting..
We discuss bou all the thgs of
tis sunday physical training~
bou 9.30p.m.
we finished the meeting
n go backed home~
My dear did not allowed me to go to
Pei Xi house for stay a night..
but I haven ask permission from my dad..
but I noe tat my dad wun let me go de..
R them still thought me was a little gul??
Can I have some free space??
watever la~
I noe tat I can handle my own thg
at my home 2day~
Louis,Pei Er n Man
came 2 my house for study~
of coz our teacher was Sook Pei..
Actually,we juz talk at there..
we started to talk bou
the cheap person!!
After tat,
we really started 2 study our account
Ah jie called Sook Pei
n wan Sook Pei to accompany her for hi-tea
but we muz finished our extra class 1st
so,ah jie came 2 my home n waited us~
After finished the class,
we sent Louis n Pei Er backed home
then,we 3 go to Pandan Indah
for drink tea [yam cha]..
After those funny thg happened..
n we finished our food
ah jie sent us backed home..
I wan 2 thx ah jie~^^
coz she treated me
drank tea n ate ice-cream~
of coz I nid 2 thx Sook Pei oso~
coz she used her time 2 teached us account~:P


Our Memory~
we went 2 Taman Saga Hill 2day.
It was really nice ^^
b4 started to step the hill~
We were arrived the hill top
n had a pinic there~
I saw a dog~It's cute^^
B4 we left tat place
we took a photo for memory~
Later,we came 2 a pond..
mami wanted to catch fish nie~^^
Lastly,we took last photo b4 we left..
b'coz it came 2 the end~
[ actually it was the dangerous place ]
Then,Pei Xi fetch us to go to 'Wang Bu Liao'
for lunch.
After tat,we all went back home
tats all~^^
Although tis physical traning made us tire
but we very enjoyed bou tis
n we felt very happy 2^^
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