

Written By ♥ 祖祖 ♥ 时间: 20:23
My dad did a small operation for his both eyes today.
He can took holiday for slept at home from hospital.
Because he did not liked stay in hospital.
[May be he scared alone..]
He was nothing,
can saw clearly.
But after the operation,
he started feel pain for his eyes
and doctor said it was liked this.
The eyes will become red for today
but tomorrow will be okay.

All my siblings were worried about my dad
but the most naughtiest was not care abut him.
He just played at the patient's room
when we were waiting my dad.
He did not care my dad
when my dad told us about the experience of operation.
He did not consulated my dad
when we were helping my dad did this or that.
The thing only he did was
played and played and played..
He never care about others.
He only care about his ownself..
I hate him.
Did not came here and asked me to forgave him!
I would not did this in my whole life.
I only remembered what he did for me,
what he gave me!!

At last,
my dad became healthy again~
He was nothing~
same as normal^^

I had checked my bone by X-ray today again~
doctor said my hand was full recover..
no needed came back saw him again..
But needed more exercise..
I will did my best~~

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