
Bad News from Baby~

Written By ♥ 祖祖 ♥ 时间: 22:43
His company wanted him went to Ipoh..
for teached some junior hande the buisness there.
His manager wanted himemployed some new worker too~
But he need to stay there for a month..
What the......
A month..you know??
A month!!!!
not a week..
I only can accepted my baby left me for a week..

If he went to Ipoh,

1. He need stay alone in a house.

2. Nobody cook for him.

3. He did not know where he need to go.
[meant he did not knew much for that place
and no friends can help him if something happen suddenly]

4. He scared alone.

5. His family worry about him
[Especially his grandmother and ME!!]

6. He did not want to left me here.

7. He said '' No heart work at there.''
[Because miss here so much]

he sent a message to his manager
and see whether his manager can send another people
go there for replace his.
Better can..
I do not want he left me.. >.<
I know my action not right
but I do not want him face some problem
without me beside him.

2 Yes?:

ichiro on 2010年1月17日 12:26 说...

hey hey~ dun worry too much ler... just a month ler... very fast over 1 ler...

♥ 祖祖 ♥ on 2010年1月17日 21:07 说...

enen~I will waitttttt de..>.<
